You (yes, you!) can start your own law firm and be your own boss.

But first, get personalized, one-on-one legal consulting from someone who’s been there before.   

I'm Christine

lawyer, entrepreneur, and mentor for aspiring law firm founders.

I see you and I’ve been where you are now: about to start your law career, weighing the pros and cons of joining a big firm. It seems like the obvious choice, but yet, your heart wants something more. You want to be your own boss and make a bigger impact.

Or, maybe you’re already at one of the larger firms, grinding it out, working crazy hours and barely getting a nod of recognition let alone a pat on the back. Stressed and insanely overworked, you’ve realized it’s time: You’re going to take the leap and go out on your own!

That’s where I come in.

As someone who has successfully run her own law firm since 2014 – right out of law school – I’m here to show you how it’s done. And by the way, these lessons aren’t taught in the classroom!  

You might be wondering,
“But where do I even start?”

Starting your own business is one thing, but starting your own law firm? It’s on a whole other level! (Trust me, I know). With all the professional rules of responsibility to consider, it pays to have someone in your corner who’s been there before. Someone who can show you how to navigate all of the rules and advise you on where to spend your time, energy, and focus for best results. 

Over the years of running Han Law Group, I’ve learned so much that I wish I knew sooner. That’s why I’m so passionate about offering one-on-one legal consulting for new or aspiring law firm owners like you. I want you to succeed right out of the gate and bypass the stress (and years!) of figuring everything out on your own. 

Hear what others have to say...

client success stories

Let’s talk next steps

If starting your own law firm has you feeling ALL the emotions – excitement, fear, uncertainty – don’t worry. I’m here to help. To get the support you need, just follow these three steps:


Get in Touch

Head to my Contact page to reach out to me. I’ll respond within 48 business hours to set up a free clarity call where we can briefly get to know each other. 


Hop on a Free Call

On our call, I’ll ask you about your current situation and long-term goals. After learning more about you, I’ll provide recommendations for next steps.


Apply for 1:1 Consulting

If we’re a great fit for each other, we’ll move onto one-on-one legal consulting. My mentorship sessions will be customized to you and your unique goals as they relate to starting or running your successful law firm. Because every client is different, the number of sessions will vary.

That excitement
you’re feeling?

I’m right there with you

Let me help you turn your dreams into a thriving law firm

Let me help you turn your dreams into a thriving law firm.