Hi, I’m Christine -

Mentor to aspiring law firm owners and founder of Han Legal Consulting.

If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that your dream to start your own law firm is entirely doable. The fact that you’re reading this shows you already have the entrepreneur mindset to break from the masses and pave your own path. You’ve also completed the marathon that is law school, which is an accomplishment in and of itself! So, congratulations. You’re here for a reason and you deserve all the greatness that’s in store for you.

I can also bet that you’re a bit scared.

Opening a law firm is a huge undertaking and – as with starting any new business – there are a ton of unknowns. Right now you might be wondering things like:

When I founded Han Law Group in 2014, I had all of these questions swirling around in my mind too. Call me ambitious or call me stubborn, but I assumed I had to figure everything out on my own! Looking back, I realize now that I wasted so much time and energy trying to do it all myself. I wish that I’d had an expert by my side to help me navigate all the twists and turns of new business ownership. It would’ve saved me so much hassle and headaches, and that’s what I want for you.

My goal is to help you get up and running faster.

One of the biggest lessons I learned in my first few years in business was that it’s not what you know but who you know. Support is so important, and networking is crucial. You can go to “Google Academy” and spend hours reading all the tips and tricks for starting your own law firm, but until you have one-on-one, personalized support from a legal expert, you’ll constantly wonder what’s truly right for YOU and your business. That’s why I started Han Legal Consulting – to give you rusted advice that you can only get from someone who’s been there before.  

Now, I’m taking all my learnings (the good and the bad!) as the founder & managing attorney of my firm and sharing what I know with you. Remember; they don’t teach this stuff in law school!  

Curious about my professional accolades? Here’s a quick snapshot:

When I’m not in my office …

Here are some fun facts about me. After all, lawyers aren’t always all-business!

Having drinks/dinner with my friends or enjoying alone time (candles, meditation, yoga, or a spa day).

“My Beloved World,” by Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

Watching reality TV, usually “90-Day Fiancé.”

Han Legal Consulting

Enough about me. Let’s chat about your future as a successful law firm founder!