Hands down, running your own law firm is one of the best “jobs” out there.

You get to be your own boss, schedule your own hours, serve your community, and so much more. But if anyone tells you the process is a breeze? They’re flat-out lying!

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Trust me, I know


In 2014, I started my own law firm – Han Law Group – right out of law school. My business has been thriving ever since, but I’ve learned countless (and I mean, countless) lessons along the way. From how to get started, to finding clients, to handling partner disputes, and a million other things they don’t teach you in law school, I’ve learned it all. It’s taken loads of trial, error, and deep breaths, but I can honestly say the reward has been worth the effort. I just wish I learned some of these lessons sooner.

Now, I want to share my biggest learnings with you


I don’t want starting your law firm to be this huge, daunting dream that you never go after. I don’t want the fear of the unknown to hold you back from living your best life. And I certainly don’t want you to get stuck working 80 hours a week for someone else, just because you thought you “had” to. Instead, I want you to confidently start your own law firm, knowing you have a proven plan in place to help you succeed.

With my one-on-one legal consulting, I’ll remove all the guesswork

No more wondering how to get started or what to focus on next. I’ll walk you through all the crucial stages of starting and running your firm. Depending on where you’re at in the process, we can go as detailed or as high-level as you like. There are no one-size-fits-all packages here. My legal consulting is all based around YOU and your unique needs. So whether you’re just wrapping up law school or have a countdown in place to leave the firm you’ve been at for 15 years, I’m here to support you. In short, I’ll be the mentor that I wish I had when I first started.

Here are just some of the topics we can dive into


Getting Started

This is half the battle! I’ll help you shake the overwhelm, create a solid foundation, and put your plans into motion. Doing this initial strategy and prep work will be essential to your firm’s long-term success.


Niching/Choosing a Practice Area

I’ll help you hone in on the area that you love most and excel at. We’ll also discuss how you can clearly communicate your uniqueness and expertise to future clients, to stand out from other firms.


Client Experience and Retention

We’ll develop a solid plan for attracting clients and delivering exceptional service so that your clients keep coming back to you – and send regular referrals your way.


Conflict Management

You’ll learn how to carefully and tactfully handle disputes between clients, partners, or opposing counsels. I’ll also prepare you for ethical dilemmas and decisions that need to be made on a daily basis.



I’ll help you hire and manage paralegals, legal assistants, and other support staff so that you can step into the CEO role of your business. We’ll also discuss when and how you should choose a partner.


Lawyer-Specific Responsibilities

Being an attorney/owning a law firm means there are specific rules of responsibility that you need to follow. I’ll help you navigate the legal system and give you a “heads up” on what to expect in the real world (i.e. how real-life court works, as opposed to what we learn in law school).



Remember, my coaching is all about you. Maybe you need support in stress management, case management, or something else that’s not on this list. I’m here to meet you wherever you’re at! 

If this is YOU, I know we’ll be a great fit working together:

So, it all comes down to this …

Are you ready to start your law firm the right way –  with a proven plan and personalized support?

You have what it takes,

and I’ll be here to guide you if you get stuck.